Thursday, December 5, 2013

In the article “Advice on College Essays:  Forget Tears and Christmas,Emily Farrell urges applicants to avoid writing the standard essay that brags about accomplishments, but recommends instead a less traditional topic that provides a good storyline.
Your task is to write a 3-Part Source Integration" to explain what you learned from reading Farrell's article.  A 3-Part Source Integration is a three-sentence statement that includes the title of the text, the author’s name, author information (who is she), source material (information from the article) that is either paraphrased or directly quoted, and a brief statement explaining the significance (the importance) of the paraphrase or quotation.

The following is an example of a “3-Part Source Integration.

Sample “3-Part Source Integration”:
In “Ethanol’s Failed Promise,” Lester Brown and Jonathan Lewis, two environmental activists, claim that food-to-fuel mandates are causing damage to our environment (par. 3). This is important because as America moves toward energy independence it must be vigilant to ensure that new energy sources do not cause new problems.


On a separate piece of paper, write your 3-Part Source Integration, edit it for mistakes, then post it in the comments for the post.


  1. Once you publish your 3-Part Source Integration, it will appear here!

  2. Bianca Enriquez
    Emily Farrell is a former English teacher and a college essay coach. She wrote "Advice on college essays:Forget tears and Christmas". In this article she states,"dont brag about your accomplishments when writing your college essays". The reason why this is important is that you can stand out from the others applying to that college.

  3. Gisel Torres

    Emily Farrell, former english teacher at Strath Haven High, and a college essay coach, wrote the article "Advide on college essays: Forget tears and Christmas".
    In the article, Emily states to "Never, ever describe a single tear falling down anyone's face". I strongly agree with Emily because I can just imagine how boring it would be to read a depressing essay.

  4. christopher lopez
    Emily Farrell is a former english teacher and a college essay coach. Farrell wrote an article titled ''Advice on college essay: Forget tears and Christmas.'' She states that over thirty-thousand studdents are going to be competing against you. Emily urges to not brag on your accomplishments. Out of the thirty-thousand students your essay should be unique from evryone else.

  5. Karissa Garay
    In the article "Forget Tears and Christmas" Emilly Farrell, a former english teacher at strath Haven High and former essay coach, states to never brag about yourself when writing a college essay. This is important to know because the admission directors see the same accomplishments in other people's essay. She advises students to be unique and stand out from the other thirty-thousand essays.

  6. Edith Pena

    “Advice on college essays: Forget the tears and Christmas” is an article by former English teacher and college essay coach, Emily Farrell. In her article she advises students applying to college to write a unique essay. I think advice is useful for students because masses of people are going to be applying to that college and will be writing about the same accomplishments. If you write your own original story, then you will stand out to the admission board.

  7. Alexia Aranzeta

    Emily Farrell,former english teacher and college essay coach,writes an article giving advice on how to write college essays titled "Forget Tears and Christmas".Emily Farrell states in her article to never,ever describe a single tear falling down anyone's face.What she meant was,do not make it so emotional to the point someone cries.I think she is right because people responsible for reading college essays do not want to read something emotional.

  8. Christine Salazar

    Former English teacher Emily Farrell, wrote an article "Advice on college essays : Forget tears and Christmas." She urges students to write about the crazy events in student's lives and not the bad or boring times. Farrell advises to avoid writing about your parent's or grandpa's death.Admissions readers want to hear about how proud someone is of their relatives or to inform about conditions in Vietnam. It is importanat to follow Farrell's advice because your competing against 30,000 students and this essay would help a student stand out.

  9. Amber Rodriguez

    Emily Farrell, former college essay coach, wrote an article titled “Advice on college essays: Forget tears and Christmas.” In this article Emily advises students to figure out what makes them different. It is important for students to find out what makes them different because it set college applicants apart from other applicants, especially when 30,000 people are applying to get in to the same college.

  10. Marlenne Vivar

    Emily Farrell a former writing expert , high school teacher , and college essay coach, writes in her article “forget tears and Christmas “advise on how students can write a really good college essay. In order to get the college readers attention, she advises to never brag about your accomplishments when writing your college essay, but to write about things that make you special or your great adventures. I strongly agree on not bragging too much on your accomplishments because readers don’t enjoy reading about them and because everyone else is writing about their accomplishments too; you will not stand out.

  11. Elyssa Hernandez

    Former English Teacher Emily Farrell wrote an article called "Advice on College Essays: Forget Tears and Christmas." She advises in the Essay to write about exciting things happening in your life, instead of just bragging about your accomplishments. For Example, which Emily stated in her article, you can write about your mean, cheap, scary great-aunt whose inheritance holds the family hostage. The Essay Readers don't want to read another boring essay about your accomplishments, they want to read an interesting essay which will make them smile or laugh. You should listen to Emily's advice because you are going to go against 30,000 people applying to the same college you want to go to.

  12. Anayeli Arteaga

    I agree with the former English teacher, Emily Farrell when she advises students to ''Never ever describe a single tear fallingdown anyone's face''in her article ''forget tears and Christmas''.Nobody wants to hear a sad story.
    Emily Farrell states students should write about something that makes them unique. This is important because 30,000 people may be applying to the same college and readers need interest, not sadness.

  13. Andrew Guerrero

    Emily Farrell is a former college teacher and an essay coach. She wrote the article “Advice on college essay: Forget the tears and Christmas" She states in the article to find something unique or interesting about yourself and write about it in your essay. In order for you to stand out of the swarms of the other applicants, you must keep the reader awake and interested .Don’t blend in with the swarm.
