Thursday, December 5, 2013

In the article “Advice on College Essays:  Forget Tears and Christmas,Emily Farrell urges applicants to avoid writing the standard essay that brags about accomplishments, but recommends instead a less traditional topic that provides a good storyline.
Your task is to write a 3-Part Source Integration" to explain what you learned from reading Farrell's article.  A 3-Part Source Integration is a three-sentence statement that includes the title of the text, the author’s name, author information (who is she), source material (information from the article) that is either paraphrased or directly quoted, and a brief statement explaining the significance (the importance) of the paraphrase or quotation.

The following is an example of a “3-Part Source Integration.

Sample “3-Part Source Integration”:
In “Ethanol’s Failed Promise,” Lester Brown and Jonathan Lewis, two environmental activists, claim that food-to-fuel mandates are causing damage to our environment (par. 3). This is important because as America moves toward energy independence it must be vigilant to ensure that new energy sources do not cause new problems.


On a separate piece of paper, write your 3-Part Source Integration, edit it for mistakes, then post it in the comments for the post.